News & Skin Care Tips

Best Skin Care Tips From Dermatologists

Best Skin Care Tips From Dermatologists

Looking for the best skin are tips to gain that glowing youthful skin? Who better to ask than Dermatologists who've seen and experienced all sorts of skin care issues and know how to fix or prevent them. Knowledge is the key to the fountain of youth and to a healthy mind and body. So, let’s get into some of the things that experts need you to know:

  1. Applying the right skin care products take time so make sure to take your time. Everyone should have a skin care routine that involves layering. However, we forget to allow our skin to absorb those products properly. When layering, make sure to wait 2-3 minutes before applying the next product. If you dilute your products with another, you may not get the results you were looking for.
  2. Don’t solely depend on your facial cleansing tissues. Your tissues may be the quickest way to help cleans your face but do not rely on them to get the deep cleaning done. If you live in a city where the pollution percentage is high, those wipes will not help to detox your skin.
  3. Vitamin C is a must! Vitamin C is the best natural skin brightener. If you start to see dark spots on your skin, start using this asap and continue use for up to six months. Everything needs time to heal. Check out our line of Vitamin C products.
  4. For all you women out there, period skin is a real thing. As your hormones go crazy, it effects your skin. Redness, excess oils and sensitivity increase in the skin. Gels will help calm the redness and irritation while clay products will help reduce the excess oils produced. Try out epielle® clay cleansers for this tip.
  5. Sheet masks do wonders. Facial sheet masks help the ingredients penetrate the skin and keep your skin hydrated. For best results on the go, make sure to add a moisturizer. See all our sheet masks.
  6. Mix up your mask and creams routine. You don’t always have to use that same product on your entire face. Your skin is different depending on the area. Where one place is dry, another could be oily. Apply your products where needed.
  7. Blackheads Kryptonite is Salicylic Acid. This ingredient is ideal for blackheads, but it can dry out your skin if overused. If this happens, the best thing to look for is a cleanser/face wash with this ingredient. Try our epielle® Charcoal Exfoliating Scrub.
  8. The sun can really do some damage to your skin. Did you know that the sun is one of the things responsible for fine lines and wrinkles? By 90%! That is why sunscreen should be everyone’s best friend and always with you. Even during the winter. Use SPF 30 or higher every day. We sell sunscreen here as well!
  9. Not all Sunscreens work for everyone. Make sure to find the best one for you. If tight skin, redness and dry skin are still a problem even after use, try to swap out your sunscreen for a new one and maybe try a higher SPF. And apply it everywhere. Your ears for example are never the spot you think to apply sunscreen but, your skin on your ears is just as susceptible to sun damage as the rest of your body. Check out our 3 different sunscreens available.
  10. Foaming washes and excess oils: Make sure to incorporate a foaming face wash into your skin care routine. This will help trap and get rid of dirt and oils from your skin. Even in your hair line, neckline and under your chin. epielle® Charcoal Foaming Cleaner can help with this tip.
  11. Upgrade your night-time routine if you have excessively dry skin. Preparing your skin for the day, the night before, is the best way to save time and ensure your skin is looking its best for the busy day ahead of you. It is better and easier to prevent skin issues like this rather than trying to reverse them. epielle® hydrating water gel and micro-regenerating cream may help with your night-time routine.
  12. Omega 3 is a serious game changer and not just for your internal health. Omega fatty acids helps your skin produce lipids which are natural moisturizing oils that keep your skin hydrated. Foods such as avocados, salmon, flax seeds, chia seeds, soybeans, walnuts and many others contain these fatty acids. Supplements are something we should think about taking along with looking for products that contain this ingredient. Check out our Avocado Masks.

So many new facts to learn! But, Knowledge is power and the more we know about our skin the better we will look and feel.

Here are the links again to all the items that may help you with your skin care♥

Mask on!

epielle® Vitamin C Products

epielle® Clay Cleansers

epielle® Sheet Masks

epielle® Charcoal Exfoliating Scrub

Pure-aid Sunscreen

epielle® Charcoal Foaming Cleaner

epielle® Hydrating Water Gel

epielle® Micro-regenerating Cream

epielle® Avocado Masks